Choosing seeds:
Get good quality Hasnahena seeds. Obtain from nurseries or your local market.
Germination of seeds:
Cover the seeds in a water-soaked paper before planting, so that the soaped seeds help in germination.
Hasnahena flower thrives well in high sunlight, dry soil and good shade.
Special Care:
Chances are not high when seed is sown, but seed arrival is the main factor. Be sure to take care that the seeds are sown well.
Selected Rooftops:
Beautiful and high rooftops are required to reach Hasnahena.
Soil Care:
Good soil helps to provide adequate nutrients. Organic compost or food crops can be used to increase organic fertility in the soil.
Safe Irrigation:
Provide safe irrigation for Hasnahena flower growth, to keep the soil straight.
Remember these steps and succeed in cultivating Hasnahena flowers.