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The process of growing apples can be a bit of a long process. Let's practice it by fertilizers


Seed or Nutrient Selection:

When choosing apple seeds, it is important to keep some important points in mind. Viability value is an important factor in selecting good apple seeds.  Seeds need to be cared for and healthy to grow. Good apple seeds should be of a dark color and of correct size.  Good seeds can be white or red and do not have to be of abnormal size. Healthy seeds should have healthy and well developed seed coat .Good apple seeds should be fully bright and transparent.  If there is no gray or any unexplained marks, it can be healthy Nutrients required for growth through seed material should be accurately estimated. When selecting apple seeds, keeping these characteristics in mind can help grow good fruit.


 Land Preparation:

The land should be prepared to have a suitable pH value for apple cultivation.  Preferably soil pH for apples should be between 6.0 and 7.0.Good apple cultivation requires fertile and healthy soil.  Sufficient fertilizers and organic matter should be added during land preparation to enhance natural fertility. Well prepared soil is important for land preparation.  Mix soil, compost, worm compost, and other organic matter to make soil. Land materials must be used to create land.  Measure the land with proper estimation and make the land if necessary. Measure the appropriate water content for the apples.  The land should also be properlywatered.

Sowing of seeds:

Seeds can be sown slowly.  Proper distance and ground burning is important.

Seedling Care:

Caring for apple trees is very important and should be done properly.  It can help to grow healthy and better fruits. Apple trees can be healthy and strong with proper planting.  At the time of planting, ensure that it is planted at the correct distance from the surface of the plant. Proper pruning and thinning of the branches and trunks of the tree should be done so that the tree can grow healthy and strong. The plant should be provided with support or support from rain or draft so that the plant does not droop. Keeping healthy and strong branches is important.  Diseased or weak branches should be removed by proper pruning and thinning. Keep signs of planting or supporting plants and provide proper planting support as needed. If the seedling provides full support, the plant can be protected during rain, drought, and heavy fruiting. In this way, it is important to take care of silver properly so that you get healthy and thriving apple trees.

 Pruning and Thinning:

Prune and thin the tree to keep it healthy and thriving.

Proper Nutrition:

Nitrogen is very important for apple cultivation, as it is required for plant growth and leaf development.  The greatest nitrogen needs are in the first few years of the plant. Phosphorus is required by flowers and is beneficial for fruits and seeds.  Phosphorus nutrition is important for strong and healthy flowers. Potash is good for apples, which is needed for fruiting and storage.  It can help increase the sweetness of apple fruit and help improve the color and flavor of the fruit. Calcium is one of the most important elements in the apple tree, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the plant. It helps produce chlorophyll through fruits and can help keep plants healthy. Can add micronutrients like Copper, Zinc, Boron, Id, Manganese, etc., which provide the right nutrients to the plant.

 Proper Watering:

Be sure to water the plant in the right amount and at the right time.

Pest and disease Control:

Apple growers need to take some important steps to control the disease.  The main areas of disease control are disease prevention and differentiation.

Select healthy and disease free seeds and choose healthy plants .Collect special soil and add good compost to provide healthy soil and proper nutrition. Trees may require pruning and thinning to improve air efficiency and prevent disease. Fungicides should be used to control diseases.  It can be for local or holistic preparation. Select tolerant or resistant races so that they are better at developing or spreading the disease. Prepare for any infestation symptoms in your plant and anticipate to eliminate them. During heavy rains of the season, mask rain control to prevent it

Fruit Collection:

Collect apples at right time and right type.

All these steps combined can help the tree produce better and healthier apples.

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