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Following are the steps to follow to grow onion


Select Seeds: Get good quality onion seeds.  Select suitable Varsha seeds for cultivation in Pusha month specially by seeds.

 উচ্চ ফলনশীল পেঁয়াজ ও পেঁয়াজবীজ চাষ করার পদ্ধতি

Prepare the Soil: The first step for onion cultivation is to prepare the soil.  There should be good drainage system and the soil should be well nourished.Choose Cultivation Site: Choose an elevated site for onion cultivation so that water can reach well and sun can reach well.

Cultivation Steps:  Prepare the soil well before sowing the seeds and use compost and compost for sowing the onion seeds. You can sow onion seeds one at a time or early to sow them well into the soil.

Water: After sowing onion seeds, keep the soil well moist and water regularly.  Onions can be propagated to suit the climate and to resist disease and pests.

 Update and Care: After sowing onions, keep the soil well moist and water regularly.  Onions can be propagated to suit the climate and to resist disease and pests.

After the onion is fully developed, it will die, and then it will continue to be the foliage or fresh part of the onion.

1. Select suitable land where onion yields well.

 2. Prepare land and determine fertilizer levels as per possibility.

 3. Seeds or roof onions or find suitable seeds.

 4. Prepare the seeds by giving them a natural coat before germination.

 5. Provide irrigation for seed sowing or sprinkler sowing.

 6. Onions may require soca after initial cultivation, at which time check for an essential fertilizer.

 7. Use regular irrigation, fertilization and materials in onion growing process.

 8. To care for onions, be sure to control strong pests and diseases.

 9. If onion is attacked by pests and diseases, take care throughout the day and contact a trained specialist if necessary.

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