- Requires high quality soil, such as loam or sandy soil.
- Choose a place that gets enough sunlight.
- The soil should be well tilled and weeded.
- Use organic manure or compost to add essential nutrients.
- Dig holes at a distance of 10-12 meters for planting seedlings.
- Place the seedling in the hole and press the soil around it well.
- Irrigation should be done regularly for the first few years.
- The need for irrigation will decrease as the plant grows.
- Organic and chemical fertilizers should be applied at regular intervals.
- Manure can be applied twice a year, i.e. before and after monsoon.
Disease and Pest Control:
- Necessary measures should be taken to protect mango trees from various diseases and insects.
- Insecticides and fungicides should be used.
- The branches of the tree should be pruned regularly so that the shape of the tree is correct and the yield is good.
- Mangoes should be collected when ripe.
- Ripeness can be determined by the change in color and smell of ripe mangoes.
By following these steps it is possible to grow mangoes successfully.